I see in the XU316-1024-FB265 datasheet that the clock frequency can be set up to 800 MHz:
Speed Grade
• 24: 600 MHz; up to 2400 MIPS, 1200 MFLOP/s, 38.4 GMACC/s
• 32: 800 MHz; up to 3200 MIPS, 1600 MFLOP/s, 51.2 GMACC/s
(side note: what does the 24/32 mean?)
How can I change it to 800 MHz? I found that there is a SystemFrequency field in the XK-EVK-XU316.xn file under /path/to/xtc-tools/targets/XK-EVK-XU316/
Code: Select all
<Node Id="0" InPackageId="0" Type="XS3-L16A-1024" Oscillator="24MHz" SystemFrequency="600MHz" ReferenceFrequency="100MHz">
Should I copy this file into my own project and used the modified xn file instead in order not to mess with the original config? How do I do that?