I am currently working on a design which is using an AK5538 in TDM16 / TDM512 mode (fs*512) in chained mode.
A 1st AK5538 is filling the first 8 slots, a 2nd one the last ones.
If I set DI2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME=16 and -DXUA_PCM_FORMAT=XUA_PCM_FORMAT_TDM, the USB Host will simply hang and I will not see any clocks on my logic analyzer besides MCLK (BCK and LRCK are gone).
Issue with -DI2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME=16 for TDM16
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I can't speak to the USB stack (as I'm unfamiliar with it), but TDM16 at 48k is definitely possible with XS2.
- XCore Legend
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- Location: Bristol, UK
is xcore slave or master?
Check all clocks are present and correct
Need more information to debug really, we expect this to work (though it's an unvalidated configuration)
Provide the output from xrun --dumpstate binary.xe, this might give us something to go on
Check all clocks are present and correct
Need more information to debug really, we expect this to work (though it's an unvalidated configuration)
Provide the output from xrun --dumpstate binary.xe, this might give us something to go on
Technical Director @ XMOS. Opinions expressed are my own
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I am using a XUF216-512-TQ128-C20A and it is I2S Master. I have 2 Crystal Oscillators on board besides the system xtal:
In TDM8 mode I can see the clocks, in I2S mode as well, but not TDM16/512
In TDM8 mode I can see the clocks, in I2S mode as well, but not TDM16/512
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- Location: Bristol, UK
If no clocks are present it might be the device has trapped. My guess would be running over the end of an array due to I2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME=16 being larger than the channel count maybe.
As I say, just a guess. if you run xrun --dumpstate <binary_name>.xe and take a look at the state of the XUA_AudioHub() task that should give some insight. If ET (exception type) is non-zero that would spell trouble.
As I say, just a guess. if you run xrun --dumpstate <binary_name>.xe and take a look at the state of the XUA_AudioHub() task that should give some insight. If ET (exception type) is non-zero that would spell trouble.
Technical Director @ XMOS. Opinions expressed are my own
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I was finally able to dump the state with -DXUA_PCM_FORMAT=XUA_PCM_FORMAT_TDM -DI2S_CHANS_PER_FRAME=16
Code: Select all
reset post-attach
***** Active Cores *****
Id Target Id Frame
* 1.1 tile[0] core[0] (hw) 0x00040810 in ?? ()
2.1 tile[1] core[0] (hw) 0x00043628 in ?? ()
2.2 tile[1] core[1] (hw) 0x000412f0 in ?? ()
2.3 tile[1] core[2] (hw) 0x00040bd0 in ?? ()
2.4 tile[1] core[3] (hw) 0x000400aa in ?? ()
2.5 tile[1] core[4] (hw) 0x000421cc in ?? ()
Thread 2.5 (tile[1] core[4] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x000421cc in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x421cc: ldap (lu10) r11, 0xac
0x421d0: nop (0r)
0x421d2: ldw (ru6) r3, sp[0x2b]
0x421d4: setv (1r) res[r3], r11
0x421d6: nop (0r)
***** Registers *****
r0 0x4c4fc 312572
r1 0x4c3fc 312316
r2 0x0 0
r3 0x80030902 -2147284734
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x80030b02 -2147284222
r6 0x0 0
r7 0x7ec90 519312
r8 0x80031402 -2147281918
r9 0x4c3fc 312316
r10 0x4c4fc 312572
r11 0x42430 271408
cp 0x47248 0x47248
dp 0x477c8 0x477c8
sp 0x7ec10 0x7ec10
lr 0x42389 0x42389
pc 0x421cc 0x421cc
sr 0x100 256
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x80031102 -2147282686
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.4 (tile[1] core[3] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x000400aa in ?? ()
#1 0x000453f4 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x400aa: waiteu (0r) *
0x400ac: entsp (u6) 0x2
0x400ae: bl (lu10) 0x3217
0x400b2: ldw (lru6) r4, cp[0x97]
0x400b6: bf (ru6) r4, 0x6
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80100 524544
r1 0x7eaf0 518896
r2 0x80000 524288
r3 0x4bbc0 310208
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x4ba80 309888
r6 0x3334 13108
r7 0x20 32
r8 0x10 16
r9 0xa001 40961
r10 0x3 3
r11 0x9 9
cp 0x47248 0x47248
dp 0x477c8 0x477c8
sp 0x7e498 0x7e498
lr 0x45601 0x45601
pc 0x400aa 0x400aa
sr 0xf9 249
spc 0x453f4 0x453f4
ssr 0x19b 411
et 0x14 ET_ILLEGAL_RESOURCE (DI Resource Lane)
ed 0x7eaf0 518896
sed 0x10400 66560
kep 0x40080 0x40080
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.3 (tile[1] core[2] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x00040bd0 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x40bd0: testct (2r) r1, res[r1] *
0x40bd2: nop (0r)
0x40bd4: bt (lru6) r1, 0xb
0x40bd8: nop (0r)
0x40bda: ldw (2rus) r1, r0[0x2]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x4bbc0 310208
r1 0x80030702 -2147285246
r2 0x7eaec 518892
r3 0xffffffff -1
r4 0x7eb8c 519052
r5 0x80031502 -2147281662
r6 0x7eb8c 519052
r7 0x7ff28 524072
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x0 0
r10 0x0 0
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x47248 0x47248
dp 0x477c8 0x477c8
sp 0x7eae8 0x7eae8
lr 0x451d9 0x451d9
pc 0x40bd0 0x40bd0
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.2 (tile[1] core[1] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x000412f0 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x412f0: bf (lru6) r1, 0xea
0x412f4: clrsr (lu6) 0x2
0x412f8: stw (lru6) r7, dp[0x12f5]
0x412fc: ldw (lru6) r0, dp[0x12f8]
0x41300: stw (lru6) r0, dp[0x549]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x0 0
r1 0x0 0
r2 0x4ba84 309892
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x80030002 -2147287038
r5 0x0 0
r6 0x4b6a8 308904
r7 0x0 0
r8 0xbb80 48000
r9 0x1 1
r10 0x38c 908
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x47248 0x47248
dp 0x477c8 0x477c8
sp 0x7ecf0 0x7ecf0
lr 0x415b5 0x415b5
pc 0x412f0 0x412f0
sr 0x102 258
spc 0x412e4 0x412e4
ssr 0x102 258
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080
ksp 0x47890 0x47890
Thread 2.1 (tile[1] core[0] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x00043628 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x43628: waiteu (0r) *
0x4362a: nop (0r)
0x4362c: in (2r) r0, res[r10] *
0x4362e: nop (0r)
0x43630: setc (ru6) res[r6], 0x1 *
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80030302 -2147286270
r1 0x765e929 124119337
r2 0x7fffffff 2147483647
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x2 2
r6 0x10c00 68608
r7 0x0 0
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x2 2
r10 0x1 1
r11 0x436c8 276168
cp 0x47248 0x47248
dp 0x477c8 0x477c8
sp 0x7edf0 0x7edf0
lr 0x43835 0x43835
pc 0x43628 0x43628
sr 0x141 321
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x1 1
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 1.1 (tile[0] core[0] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x00040810 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x40810: in (2r) r8, res[r9] *
0x40812: nop (0r)
0x40814: bitrev (2r) r8, r8
0x40816: sub (2rus) r7, r1, 0x1
0x40818: add (2rus) r4, r5, 0x0
***** Registers *****
r0 0x1 1
r1 0x1d 29
r2 0x43db8 277944
r3 0xe 14
r4 0x1f 31
r5 0xe 14
r6 0x10c00 68608
r7 0x1 1
r8 0x1 1
r9 0x10b00 68352
r10 0x10500 66816
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x439c4 0x439c4
dp 0x43c08 0x43c08
sp 0x7fe10 0x7fe10
lr 0x4071d 0x4071d
pc 0x40810 0x40810
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x1 1
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080
ksp 0x0 0x0
- XCore Legend
- Posts: 1158
- Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:20 pm
- Location: Bristol, UK
One of the threads is in the exception handler.
If you build with -g and repeat the “dump state” passing the binary we’ll be able to more easily assist.
If you build with -g and repeat the “dump state” passing the binary we’ll be able to more easily assist.
Technical Director @ XMOS. Opinions expressed are my own
- Member++
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:05 pm
Code: Select all
***** Active Cores *****
Id Target Id Frame
* 1.1 tile[0] core[0] (hw) AudioHub_MainLoop (divide=0, c_out=<optimized out>, c_adat_out=<optimized out>, adatSmuxMode=<optimized out>, curSamFreq=<optimized out>, p_lrclk=<optimized out>, p_bclk=<optimized out>, p_i2s_dac=..., p_i2s_adc=...) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/audiohub/xua_audiohub.xc:309
1.2 tile[0] core[1] (hw) adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x (c_data=2147615234, p_data=66304, smux=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_adat/lib_adat/src/adat_tx_port.xc:250
2.1 tile[1] core[0] (hw) usb_midi (p_midi_in=68608, p_midi_out=68864, clk_midi=<optimized out>, c_midi=2147681026) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/midi/usb_midi.xc:338
2.2 tile[1] core[1] (hw) XUA_Buffer_Decouple (c_mix_out=2147680258) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/decouple/decouple.xc:956
2.3 tile[1] core[2] (hw) XUD_GetSetupBuffer (e=314240, buffer=<optimized out>, datalength=0x7eaec) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/client/XUD_EpFunctions.c:238
2.4 tile[1] core[3] (hw) NextTokenAfterPing () at XUD_TokenJmp.S:7
2.5 tile[1] core[4] (hw) XUA_Buffer_Ep (c_aud_out=2147682562, c_aud_in=2147684610, c_aud_fb=2147684098, c_midi_from_host=2147683074, p_off_mclk=1048832, c_aud_ctl=2147685378, c_sof=2147681538, c_midi=2147680770, c_midi_to_host=1) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/ep/ep_buffer.xc:408
Thread 2.5 (tile[1] core[4] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 XUA_Buffer_Ep (c_aud_out=2147682562, c_aud_in=2147684610, c_aud_fb=2147684098, c_midi_from_host=2147683074, p_off_mclk=1048832, c_aud_ctl=2147685378, c_sof=2147681538, c_midi=2147680770, c_midi_to_host=1) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/ep/ep_buffer.xc:408
#1 0x00042c8c in XUA_Buffer.task.XUA_Buffer_Ep.0 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/ep/ep_buffer.xc:124
#2 0x0004712c in __start_core ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x426d4 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+424>: eeu (1r) res[r3]
0x426d6 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+426>: nop (0r)
0x426d8 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+428>: setsr (u6) 0x1
0x426da <XUA_Buffer_Ep+430>: nop (0r)
0x426dc <XUA_Buffer_Ep+432>: nop (0r)
***** Registers *****
r0 0x4d4bc 316604
r1 0x4d3bc 316348
r2 0x0 0
r3 0x80030202 -2147286526
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x80030b02 -2147284222
r6 0x0 0
r7 0x7ec90 519312
r8 0x80031402 -2147281918
r9 0x4d3bc 316348
r10 0x4d4bc 316604
r11 0x42978 272760
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7ec10 0x7ec10
lr 0x42881 0x42881 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+853>
pc 0x426d4 0x426d4 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+424>
sr 0x100 256
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x80030502 -2147285758
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.4 (tile[1] core[3] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 NextTokenAfterPing () at XUD_TokenJmp.S:7
#1 0x00045b80 in OutReady () at ./included/XUD_Token_Out_DI.S:20
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x45fc8 <NextTokenAfterPing+8>: inpw (l2rus) r11, res[r0], 0x8 *
0x45fcc <NextTokenAfterPing+12>: shr (2rus) r11, r11, 0x18
0x45fce <NextTokenAfterPing+14>: nop (0r)
0x45fd0 <NextTokenAfterPing+16>: nop (0r)
0x45fd2 <NextTokenAfterPing+18>: ldw (3r) r10, r10[r11]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80100 524544
r1 0x10500 66816
r2 0x80000 524288
r3 0x13 19
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x4ca40 313920
r6 0x3334 13108
r7 0xf335 62261
r8 0x493e0 300000
r9 0xa001 40961
r10 0x489f8 297464
r11 0x3a0257b6 973232054
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7e490 0x7e490
lr 0x45b81 0x45b81 <OutReady+5>
pc 0x45fc8 0x45fc8 <NextTokenAfterPing+8>
sr 0x183 387
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x10400 66560
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.3 (tile[1] core[2] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 XUD_GetSetupBuffer (e=314240, buffer=<optimized out>, datalength=0x7eaec) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/client/XUD_EpFunctions.c:238
#1 0x000456d0 in USB_GetSetupPacket (ep_out=314240, ep_in=<optimized out>, sp=...) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/control/xud_device.xc:38
#2 0x0004078c in XUA_Endpoint0 (c_ep0_out=<optimized out>, c_ep0_in=<optimized out>, c_audioControl=2147685634, c_mix_ctl=0, c_clk_ctl=0, c_EANativeTransport_ctrl=<optimized out>, dfuInterface=524072) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/endpoint0/xua_endpoint0.c:1124
#3 0x0004117c in __main__main_tile_1_task_XUA_Endpoint0_3 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/main.xc:645
#4 0x0004712c in __start_core ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x40be4 <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+32>: testct (2r) r1, res[r1] *
0x40be6 <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+34>: nop (0r)
0x40be8 <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+36>: bt (lru6) r1, 0xb
0x40bec <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+40>: nop (0r)
0x40bee <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+42>: ldw (2rus) r1, r0[0x2]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x4cb80 314240
r1 0x80030702 -2147285246
r2 0x7eaec 518892
r3 0xffffffff -1
r4 0x7eb8c 519052
r5 0x80031502 -2147281662
r6 0x7eb8c 519052
r7 0x7ff28 524072
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x0 0
r10 0x0 0
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7eae8 0x7eae8
lr 0x456d1 0x456d1 <USB_GetSetupPacket+25>
pc 0x40be4 0x40be4 <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+32>
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.2 (tile[1] core[1] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 XUA_Buffer_Decouple (c_mix_out=2147680258) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/decouple/decouple.xc:956
#1 0x00042c98 in XUA_Buffer.task.XUA_Buffer_Decouple.1 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/ep/ep_buffer.xc:159
#2 0x00046828 in __start_other_cores ()
#3 0x0004252c in XUA_Buffer ()
#4 0x00041138 in __main__main_tile_1_task_XUA_Buffer_2 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/main.xc:607
#5 0x0004712c in __start_core ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x41494 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+752>: ldw (lru6) r0, dp[0x158c]
0x41498 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+756>: bf (lru6) r0, 0x2d
0x4149c <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+760>: ldw (lru6) r0, dp[0x1595]
0x414a0 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+764>: ldw (lru6) r1, dp[0x1596]
0x414a4 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+768>: stw (lru6) r7, dp[0x158c]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x0 0
r1 0x0 0
r2 0x0 0
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x80030002 -2147287038
r5 0x0 0
r6 0x4c668 312936
r7 0x0 0
r8 0xac44 44100
r9 0x1 1
r10 0x30c 780
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7ecf0 0x7ecf0
lr 0x415d1 0x415d1 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+1069>
pc 0x41494 0x41494 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+752>
sr 0x102 258
spc 0x41300 0x41300 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+348>
ssr 0x102 258
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x47df0 0x47df0
Thread 2.1 (tile[1] core[0] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 usb_midi (p_midi_in=68608, p_midi_out=68864, clk_midi=<optimized out>, c_midi=2147681026) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/midi/usb_midi.xc:338
#1 0x000411a4 in __main__main_tile_1_task_usb_midi_5 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/main.xc:707
#2 0x00046828 in __start_other_cores ()
#3 0x00041054 in __main__main_tile_1 ()
#4 0x000464b8 in main ()
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x43b20 <usb_midi+400>: waiteu (0r) *
0x43b22 <usb_midi+402>: nop (0r)
0x43b24 <usb_midi+404>: in (2r) r0, res[r10] *
0x43b26 <usb_midi+406>: nop (0r)
0x43b28 <usb_midi+408>: setc (ru6) res[r6], 0x1 *
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80030302 -2147286270
r1 0x7673c8c 124206220
r2 0x7fffffff 2147483647
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x2 2
r6 0x10c00 68608
r7 0x0 0
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x2 2
r10 0x1 1
r11 0x43bc0 277440
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7edf0 0x7edf0
lr 0x43d2d 0x43d2d <usb_midi+925>
pc 0x43b20 0x43b20 <usb_midi+400>
sr 0x141 321
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x1 1
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 1.2 (tile[0] core[1] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x (c_data=2147615234, p_data=66304, smux=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_adat/lib_adat/src/adat_tx_port.xc:250
#1 0x00041a9c in adat_tx_port (c_data=2147615234, p_data=1048575) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_adat/lib_adat/src/adat_tx_port.xc:282
#2 0x00040af4 in _SXUA_AudioHub_0.task.adat_tx_port.0 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/audiohub/xua_audiohub.xc:850
#3 0x00043e40 in __start_core ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x41a20 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+452>: out (r2r) res[r4], r0 *
0x41a22 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+454>: shr (3r) r0, r11, r5
0x41a24 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+456>: outpw (l2rus) res[r4], r0, 0x8 *
0x41a28 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+460>: add (2rus) r3, r3, 0x2
0x41a2a <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+462>: ldc (ru6) r0, 0x8
***** Registers *****
r0 0xf003ff00 -268173568
r1 0xfffff 1048575
r2 0x14 20
r3 0x4 4
r4 0x10300 66304
r5 0xc 12
r6 0x3ff00 261888
r7 0xf0000000 -268435456
r8 0x3fc 1020
r9 0x44c30 281648
r10 0x16 22
r11 0x3ff00 261888
cp 0x443dc 0x443dc
dp 0x44650 0x44650
sp 0x7f628 0x7f628
lr 0x41a9d 0x41a9d <adat_tx_port+65>
pc 0x41a20 0x41a20 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+452>
sr 0x180 384
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 1.1 (tile[0] core[0] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 AudioHub_MainLoop (divide=0, c_out=<optimized out>, c_adat_out=<optimized out>, adatSmuxMode=<optimized out>, curSamFreq=<optimized out>, p_lrclk=<optimized out>, p_bclk=<optimized out>, p_i2s_dac=..., p_i2s_adc=...) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/audiohub/xua_audiohub.xc:309
#1 0x00040b74 in _SXUA_AudioHub_0.task.__builtin_outct.1 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/audiohub/xua_audiohub.xc:880
#2 0x00044382 in ConfigAudioPorts.thunk.2 ()
#3 0x00010700 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x408ec <AudioHub_MainLoop+168>: in (2r) r3, res[r7] *
0x408ee <AudioHub_MainLoop+170>: nop (0r)
0x408f0 <AudioHub_MainLoop+172>: bitrev (2r) r3, r3
0x408f2 <AudioHub_MainLoop+174>: ldc (ru6) r11, 0xe
0x408f4 <AudioHub_MainLoop+176>: add (2rus) r4, r11, 0x0
***** Registers *****
r0 0x10500 66816
r1 0xc 12
r2 0x0 0
r3 0x1 1
r4 0x9 9
r5 0x4 4
r6 0xf 15
r7 0x10b00 68352
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x10c00 68608
r10 0x1 1
r11 0x1f 31
cp 0x443dc 0x443dc
dp 0x44650 0x44650
sp 0x7fdd0 0x7fdd0
lr 0x407d5 0x407d5 <DoSampleTransfer+257>
pc 0x408ec 0x408ec <AudioHub_MainLoop+168>
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x1 1
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
syso@MacBook-Pro-M3 app_usb_aud_custom % xrun --dumpstate bin/UMATDM/uma_UMATDM.xe
reset post-attach
***** Active Cores *****
Id Target Id Frame
* 1.1 tile[0] core[0] (hw) AudioHub_MainLoop (divide=0, c_out=<optimized out>, c_adat_out=<optimized out>, adatSmuxMode=<optimized out>, curSamFreq=<optimized out>, p_lrclk=<optimized out>, p_bclk=<optimized out>, p_i2s_dac=..., p_i2s_adc=...) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/audiohub/xua_audiohub.xc:309
1.2 tile[0] core[1] (hw) adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x (c_data=2147615234, p_data=66304, smux=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_adat/lib_adat/src/adat_tx_port.xc:222
2.1 tile[1] core[0] (hw) usb_midi (p_midi_in=68608, p_midi_out=68864, clk_midi=<optimized out>, c_midi=2147681026) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/midi/usb_midi.xc:338
2.2 tile[1] core[1] (hw) XUA_Buffer_Decouple (c_mix_out=2147680258) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/decouple/decouple.xc:956
2.3 tile[1] core[2] (hw) XUD_GetSetupBuffer (e=314240, buffer=<optimized out>, datalength=0x7eaec) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/client/XUD_EpFunctions.c:238
2.4 tile[1] core[3] (hw) NextRxWord () at ./included/XUD_RxData.S:66
2.5 tile[1] core[4] (hw) 0x0004269c in XUA_Buffer_Ep (c_aud_out=2147682562, c_aud_in=2147684610, c_aud_fb=2147684098, c_midi_from_host=2147683074, p_off_mclk=1048832, c_aud_ctl=2147685378, c_sof=2147681538, c_midi=2147680770, c_midi_to_host=1) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/ep/ep_buffer.xc:408
Thread 2.5 (tile[1] core[4] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 0x0004269c in XUA_Buffer_Ep (c_aud_out=2147682562, c_aud_in=2147684610, c_aud_fb=2147684098, c_midi_from_host=2147683074, p_off_mclk=1048832, c_aud_ctl=2147685378, c_sof=2147681538, c_midi=2147680770, c_midi_to_host=1) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/ep/ep_buffer.xc:408
#1 0x00042c8c in XUA_Buffer.task.XUA_Buffer_Ep.0 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/ep/ep_buffer.xc:124
#2 0x0004712c in __start_core ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x4269c <XUA_Buffer_Ep+368>: nop (0r)
0x4269e <XUA_Buffer_Ep+370>: ldw (ru6) r3, sp[0x17]
0x426a0 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+372>: setv (1r) res[r3], r11
0x426a2 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+374>: nop (0r)
0x426a4 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+376>: eeu (1r) res[r3]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x4d4bc 316604
r1 0x4d3bc 316348
r2 0x0 0
r3 0x80031102 -2147282686
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x80030b02 -2147284222
r6 0x0 0
r7 0x7ec90 519312
r8 0x80031402 -2147281918
r9 0x4d3bc 316348
r10 0x4d4bc 316604
r11 0x4288c 272524
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7ec10 0x7ec10
lr 0x42881 0x42881 <XUA_Buffer_Ep+853>
pc 0x4269c 0x4269c <XUA_Buffer_Ep+368>
sr 0x100 256
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x80030502 -2147285758
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.4 (tile[1] core[3] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 NextRxWord () at ./included/XUD_RxData.S:66
#1 0x00045b80 in OutReady () at ./included/XUD_Token_Out_DI.S:20
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x45c78 <NextRxWord+24>: in (2r) r11, res[r0] *
0x45c7a <NextRxWord+26>: nop (0r)
0x45c7c <NextRxWord+28>: crc32_inc (l4rus) r6, r11, r9, r4, 0x1
0x45c80 <NextRxWord+32>: stw (l3r) r11, r1[r4]
0x45c84 <NextRxWord+36>: in (2r) r11, res[r0] *
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80100 524544
r1 0x4a558 304472
r2 0x80000 524288
r3 0x4cbb4 314292
r4 0x25 37
r5 0x4ca40 313920
r6 0x3ae9 15081
r7 0xf335 62261
r8 0x10400 66560
r9 0xa001 40961
r10 0x1 1
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7e490 0x7e490
lr 0x45b81 0x45b81 <OutReady+5>
pc 0x45c78 0x45c78 <NextRxWord+24>
sr 0x183 387
spc 0x45fc8 0x45fc8 <NextTokenAfterPing+8>
ssr 0x183 387
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x10400 66560
sed 0x10400 66560
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.3 (tile[1] core[2] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 XUD_GetSetupBuffer (e=314240, buffer=<optimized out>, datalength=0x7eaec) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/client/XUD_EpFunctions.c:238
#1 0x000456d0 in USB_GetSetupPacket (ep_out=314240, ep_in=<optimized out>, sp=...) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xud/lib_xud/src/user/control/xud_device.xc:38
#2 0x0004078c in XUA_Endpoint0 (c_ep0_out=<optimized out>, c_ep0_in=<optimized out>, c_audioControl=2147685634, c_mix_ctl=0, c_clk_ctl=0, c_EANativeTransport_ctrl=<optimized out>, dfuInterface=524072) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/endpoint0/xua_endpoint0.c:1124
#3 0x0004117c in __main__main_tile_1_task_XUA_Endpoint0_3 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/main.xc:645
#4 0x0004712c in __start_core ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x40be4 <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+32>: testct (2r) r1, res[r1] *
0x40be6 <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+34>: nop (0r)
0x40be8 <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+36>: bt (lru6) r1, 0xb
0x40bec <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+40>: nop (0r)
0x40bee <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+42>: ldw (2rus) r1, r0[0x2]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x4cb80 314240
r1 0x80030702 -2147285246
r2 0x7eaec 518892
r3 0xffffffff -1
r4 0x7eb8c 519052
r5 0x80031502 -2147281662
r6 0x7eb8c 519052
r7 0x7ff28 524072
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x0 0
r10 0x0 0
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7eae8 0x7eae8
lr 0x456d1 0x456d1 <USB_GetSetupPacket+25>
pc 0x40be4 0x40be4 <XUD_GetSetupBuffer+32>
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 2.2 (tile[1] core[1] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 XUA_Buffer_Decouple (c_mix_out=2147680258) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/decouple/decouple.xc:956
#1 0x00042c98 in XUA_Buffer.task.XUA_Buffer_Decouple.1 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/buffer/ep/ep_buffer.xc:159
#2 0x00046828 in __start_other_cores ()
#3 0x0004252c in XUA_Buffer ()
#4 0x00041138 in __main__main_tile_1_task_XUA_Buffer_2 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/main.xc:607
#5 0x0004712c in __start_core ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x41494 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+752>: ldw (lru6) r0, dp[0x158c]
0x41498 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+756>: bf (lru6) r0, 0x2d
0x4149c <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+760>: ldw (lru6) r0, dp[0x1595]
0x414a0 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+764>: ldw (lru6) r1, dp[0x1596]
0x414a4 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+768>: stw (lru6) r7, dp[0x158c]
***** Registers *****
r0 0x0 0
r1 0x0 0
r2 0x0 0
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x80030002 -2147287038
r5 0x0 0
r6 0x4c668 312936
r7 0x0 0
r8 0xbb80 48000
r9 0x1 1
r10 0x38c 908
r11 0x0 0
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7ecf0 0x7ecf0
lr 0x415d1 0x415d1 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+1069>
pc 0x41494 0x41494 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+752>
sr 0x102 258
spc 0x41498 0x41498 <XUA_Buffer_Decouple+756>
ssr 0x102 258
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x47df0 0x47df0
Thread 2.1 (tile[1] core[0] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 usb_midi (p_midi_in=68608, p_midi_out=68864, clk_midi=<optimized out>, c_midi=2147681026) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/midi/usb_midi.xc:338
#1 0x000411a4 in __main__main_tile_1_task_usb_midi_5 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/main.xc:707
#2 0x00046828 in __start_other_cores ()
#3 0x00041054 in __main__main_tile_1 ()
#4 0x000464b8 in main ()
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x43b20 <usb_midi+400>: waiteu (0r) *
0x43b22 <usb_midi+402>: nop (0r)
0x43b24 <usb_midi+404>: in (2r) r0, res[r10] *
0x43b26 <usb_midi+406>: nop (0r)
0x43b28 <usb_midi+408>: setc (ru6) res[r6], 0x1 *
***** Registers *****
r0 0x80030302 -2147286270
r1 0x4c0036d0 1275082448
r2 0x7fffffff 2147483647
r3 0x0 0
r4 0x0 0
r5 0x2 2
r6 0x10c00 68608
r7 0x0 0
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x4 4
r10 0x1 1
r11 0x43bc0 277440
cp 0x47748 0x47748 <g_subSlot_Out_HS>
dp 0x47d28 0x47d28
sp 0x7edf0 0x7edf0
lr 0x43d2d 0x43d2d <usb_midi+925>
pc 0x43b20 0x43b20 <usb_midi+400>
sr 0x141 321
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x1 1
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 1.2 (tile[0] core[1] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x (c_data=2147615234, p_data=66304, smux=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_adat/lib_adat/src/adat_tx_port.xc:222
#1 0x00041a9c in adat_tx_port (c_data=2147615234, p_data=1048575) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_adat/lib_adat/src/adat_tx_port.xc:282
#2 0x00040af4 in _SXUA_AudioHub_0.task.adat_tx_port.0 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/audiohub/xua_audiohub.xc:850
#3 0x00043e40 in __start_core ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x41994 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+312>: out (r2r) res[r4], r11 *
0x41996 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+314>: shr (3r) r11, r7, r5
0x41998 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+316>: outpw (l2rus) res[r4], r11, 0x8 *
0x4199c <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+320>: shr (2rus) r11, r6, 0x6
0x4199e <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+322>: nop (0r)
***** Registers *****
r0 0x16 22
r1 0xfffff 1048575
r2 0x14 20
r3 0x6 6
r4 0x10300 66304
r5 0xc 12
r6 0x0 0
r7 0x3ff00 261888
r8 0x3fc 1020
r9 0x44c30 281648
r10 0x16 22
r11 0xf003ff00 -268173568
cp 0x443dc 0x443dc
dp 0x44650 0x44650
sp 0x7f628 0x7f628
lr 0x41a9d 0x41a9d <adat_tx_port+65>
pc 0x41994 0x41994 <adat_transmit_port_until_ct_2x+312>
sr 0x180 384
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x0 0
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
Thread 1.1 (tile[0] core[0] (hw)):
***** Call Stack *****
#0 AudioHub_MainLoop (divide=0, c_out=<optimized out>, c_adat_out=<optimized out>, adatSmuxMode=<optimized out>, curSamFreq=<optimized out>, p_lrclk=<optimized out>, p_bclk=<optimized out>, p_i2s_dac=..., p_i2s_adc=...) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/audiohub/xua_audiohub.xc:309
#1 0x00040b74 in _SXUA_AudioHub_0.task.__builtin_outct.1 (frame=<optimized out>) at /Users/syso/Downloads/sw_usb_audio-_sw_v8_1_0/lib_xua/lib_xua/src/core/audiohub/xua_audiohub.xc:880
#2 0x00044382 in ConfigAudioPorts.thunk.2 ()
#3 0x00010700 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
***** Disassembly *****
=> 0x408ec <AudioHub_MainLoop+168>: in (2r) r3, res[r7] *
0x408ee <AudioHub_MainLoop+170>: nop (0r)
0x408f0 <AudioHub_MainLoop+172>: bitrev (2r) r3, r3
0x408f2 <AudioHub_MainLoop+174>: ldc (ru6) r11, 0xe
0x408f4 <AudioHub_MainLoop+176>: add (2rus) r4, r11, 0x0
***** Registers *****
r0 0x10500 66816
r1 0xe 14
r2 0x1 1
r3 0x1 1
r4 0xb 11
r5 0x4 4
r6 0xf 15
r7 0x10b00 68352
r8 0x0 0
r9 0x10c00 68608
r10 0x1 1
r11 0x1f 31
cp 0x443dc 0x443dc
dp 0x44650 0x44650
sp 0x7fdd0 0x7fdd0
lr 0x407d5 0x407d5 <DoSampleTransfer+257>
pc 0x408ec 0x408ec <AudioHub_MainLoop+168>
sr 0x140 320
spc 0x0 0x0
ssr 0x0 0
et 0x0 ET_NONE
ed 0x1 1
sed 0x0 0
kep 0x40080 0x40080 <_TrapHandler>
ksp 0x0 0x0
- Member++
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:05 pm
I just observed that BCLK equals MCLK when in TDM16 mode. MCLK has none to low jitter, BCLK has relatively high jitter compared to MCLK.
LRCLK is correct.
LRCLK is correct.
- XCore Legend
- Posts: 1158
- Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:20 pm
- Location: Bristol, UK
These two dumps seems to be in two different states. The original post mentioned no clocks and the dump shows a trap.
The later post shows no trap and you say the clocks are present.
Perhaps you now have it working, it's unclear.
The later post shows no trap and you say the clocks are present.
Perhaps you now have it working, it's unclear.
Technical Director @ XMOS. Opinions expressed are my own