currently I am evaluating the XMOS ecosystem taking the first steps with the XCORE.AI multichannel audio board (XK-AUDIO-316-MC-AB).
I observe serious aliasing issues with input signals above 1 kHz when build and run the unaltered AN02003 SPDIF receive to I2S Slave Bridge with ASRC.
In order to rule out my user error as best as I can I tried the following without any success:
- all possible combinations of input and output sample rates
- upgrading the libraries from the ones that shiped with the porject to the latest versions from GitHub.
- directly monitor the I2S stream in case the eval board DAC is wrongly configured
- all other possible input formats and three different SPDIF sources (APx555, Scarlett 18i8 and UCXII)
The 1 kHz digital signal looks in spec and shows a very low jitter SINAD of 140 dB
As soon as the input frequency is higher than about 3 kHz the aliasing artefacts begin to show and much worsen when you get to 20 kHz, which sounds horrible by the way.
By using a rectangle waveform as input I believe to see that there seems to be aliasing, both at the input as well as on the output of the system:
Is this a known problem or something that has been posted before, but slipped through my fingers when I searched the web?
Admittedly I am a bloody beginner on this platform...
Does anyone have a suggestion where to look in the code if the issue is actually firmware related and not my user error?
Best regards,