XCORE Tutorial Group, help the newbie in XMOS

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XCORE Tutorial Group, help the newbie in XMOS

Post by nassim »

HI XCORE community
SO why this group? it's simple, try to find the final description of all simple to hard example successfully implemented or simulate in XMOS board and tool and because it's new technologies there is few tutorial for this .

the goals are this :

1) All members are welcome to put there final tutorial about program or example ( not project)

2) try to make a small admin group to validate and correct the tutorial proposed by the members (the most experience in XMOS and maybe XMOS employers)

3) Try to add the final result of all example or part of program added by member and has error in from topic (PS :example => solution of the error in program put it in the forum)

4) Try to converter each succeed example in PDF DOC and video tutorial. ( also the same PS)

5)Try to add tutorial of how using XMOS board (also the same PS)

6) invite some XMOS employers foundation here to talk about new or specifics function or trick in tutorial and if there is many members want explication of this function

7) Invite some member creator of complete project to add there tutorial about how compile and implement using XMOS board and tools

8) put some prize to win of the best tutorial adding by member (not confirmed)

the group is organized like this:

===>>> WIKI Group is for downloading the final version of PDF tutorial

===>>>Special post for the member how want some invite XMOS employers foundation or member creator of complete project for explication

===>>>Special post for member how want put there own tutorial before validation

===>>>Special post for Admin group
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Post by nassim »

hi all ;)

i just add my first tutorial for beginner about " Initiation in XMOS Development", you can find him in XCORE Tutorial Wiki page http://www.xcore.com/wiki/index.php/XDE_Software

i have also put an translation in French languages http://www.xcore.com/wiki/index.php/French_Tutorial

i am not a professional in tutorials; so please if you find any error or mistakes please tel me to correct them.
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Post by nassim »

hi all :D

please if you found any article or publication about XMOS in PDF put the link here please thanks ;)