XScope on port other than Tile 0, XL0 Topic is solved

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XScope on port other than Tile 0, XL0

Post by gcore »

I have a hardware design that routes the XLink connections from the 20 pin xTag3 debug header to a XU216-256-TQ128-C20 device's XL3 port on tile 1. I'm working with the default XN file for the XU216-256-TQ128-C20 device, copied into the xTIMEcomposer project from C:\Program Files (x86)\XMOS\xTIMEcomposer\Community_14.2.1\targets\XU216-256-TQ128-C20. I'm trying to add in a section to the XN file that will configure XL3 as the XScope connection.

I have no trouble doing this with a board that has the XLink connected to XL0 on tile 0, using the following lines:

Code: Select all

    <Node Id="2" Type="device:" RoutingId="0x8000">
      <Service Id="0" Proto="xscope_host_data(chanend c);">
        <Chanend Identifier="c" end="3"/>
    <Link Encoding="2wire" Delays="4,4" Flags="XSCOPE">
      <LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="XL0"/>
      <LinkEndpoint NodeId="2" Chanend="1"/>
Could anyone point me in the right direction for coaxing this to work for XL3 on tile 1?

Any suggestions welcome.

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Post by Redeye »

It should be as simple as changing the line :

Code: Select all

<LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="XL0"/>
to :

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<LinkEndpoint NodeId="0" Link="XL3"/>
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:58 am

Post by gcore »

Thanks Redeye, that is indeed all that is required. I had tried that already, but was being misled due to needing to also power the xtag device off and back on before the change takes effect.