Add SRC into the USB Audio 2.0 Reference Software Topic is solved

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Add SRC into the USB Audio 2.0 Reference Software

Post by ffomich »

I try to add SRC to the S/PDIF input in the USB Audio 2.0 Reference Software.
For example I want to receive S/PDIF@44100 input while all board works at 96000.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Reference Design clocking scheme is:

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S/PDIF input -> SpdifReceive() -> ClockGen() -> (data) -> audio()
                                            |-> (clock) -> output port -> PLL
In the firmware I can select Clock Source: Internal or S/PDIF input.
1. Clock source = S/PDIF input, S/PDIF data is valid
In this case ClockGen() extracts clock from the input digital stream and all board CLKs is sync to the S/PDIF input.

2. (Clock source = Internal) or (Clock source = S/PDIF input, S/PDIF data is NOT valid)
In this case ClockGen() outputs clock from the internal clock generator and all board CLKs is sync to the internal clock.

Now I try to add SRC between SpdifReceive() and ClockGen(). Question is what to use: SSRC or ASRC?

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S/PDIF input -> SpdifReceive() -> SRC() -> ClockGen() -> (data) -> audio()
                                                     |-> (clock) -> output port -> PLL
1. Clock source = S/PDIF input, S/PDIF data is valid
In this case I think I need to use SSRC because SpdifReceive and ClockGen are sync to the same clock.

2. (Clock source = Internal) or (Clock source = S/PDIF input, S/PDIF data is NOT valid)
In this case I think I need to use ASRC like in the example AN00231_ASRC_SPDIF_TO_DAC. SpdifReceive and ClockGen are sync to the diferent clock.

Is my reasoning correct?
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Post by akp »

If the S/PDIF input is invalid why would you be applying sample rate conversion? It seems to me that the code is designed so that if you are using S/PDIF input the system master clock must be synchronized to the S/PDIF stream through the ClockGen controlling the PLL (i.e. clock source = S/PDIF input). It would probably be desirable to implement idea 2 (ASRC) if you want to output the audio to a DAC on your board, in this case ClockGen wouldn't need to drive a PLL I suppose if the ASRC can estimate the input clock frequency from the average data rate on a streaming channel.
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Post by ffomich »

Hi akp,

you are right, I don't need SRC when S/PDIF stream is invalid. But in this case ClockGen() starts to output clock to PLL from internal source. So this mode is equal to the (Clock source = Internal) mode.

Thanks for idea to estimate the input clock frequency in the ASRC() not in the ClockGen(). I think Rate Manager from the AN00231_ASRC_SPDIF_TO_DAC example already do this.
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Post by ffomich »

I have succeeded in adding SRC.
The scheme is the following:

SpdifHandler() makes a copy of the input digital stream and sends it to the SRC wrapper.
ClockGen() receives 2 data streams and
- extracts sync clock from the original stream
- gets data from the stream copy after the SRC

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S/PDIF input -> SpdifReceive() -> SpdifHandler() ---------------------------------------------------------------> ClockGen() -> (clock) -> output port -> PLL
                                               |-> Serial2Block() ->[ASRC() + rate_server()] -> Block2Serial() ->|          |-> (data) -> audio()
Using AN00231_ASRC_SPDIF_TO_DAC example code for SRC wrapper don't forget to set correct ASRC_N_OUT_IN_RATIO_MAX in the app_config.h
Default value is 3, so my project worked in the 44.1/48 -> 96 mode, but it didh't work in the 44.1/48 -> 192 mode.
For the 44.1/48 -> 192 mode you must set ASRC_N_OUT_IN_RATIO_MAX = 5.
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Post by maqu67 »


if I measure the frequency at PIN PLL_SYNC (PIN 5 CLKIN of CS2100-CP) with oscilloscope it doens't change if I input SPDIF signal or not.
In the ClockGen.xc I've selected "Clock source = S/PDIF input" and I've usb cable disconnected.

Is'it normal? I would expect a change in the clock frequency of PLL_SYNC in case when I plug RCA DIGITAL cable (from CD player) or when I non plug RCA DIGITAL cable (from CD player).
