I'm currently using the examples compiled from the XCORE-VOICE Solution on Github https://github.com/xmos/sln_voice/
and flashing the xcore.ai explorer board, with the following commands
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xflash --quad-spi-clock 50MHz --factory example_ffva_ua_dev_adec.xe --boot-partition-size 0x100000 --data example_ffva_ua_dev_adec_data_partition.bin
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xflash --quad-spi-clock 50MHz --factory example_ffva_ua_adec_altarch.xe --boot-partition-size 0x100000 --data example_ffva_ua_adec_altarch_data_partition.bin
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xflash --quad-spi-clock 50MHz --factory example_ffva_ua_dev_adec.xe --boot-partition-size 0x100000 --data example_ffva_ua_dev_adec_data_partition.bin
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Site 0 reports warning: QE bit location override does not match SFDP response. Please check XN file or SPI-SPEC.
oddly looking at the equivalent lines in the code for the XK_VOICE_L7, the
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<Attribute Name="QE_BIT" Value="flash_qe_bit_6"/>
many thanks